Please take a moment to read through this page before calling our offices as many of your questions can be answered with the information below. We do not offer licensure information; you will need to contact DSHS directly for questions of that nature.
Orientation: North Seattle College no longer offers Orientation.
What are the prerequisites for taking the Adult Family Home Administrator Course?
The Adult Family Home Administrator Course requires English proficiency. This prerequisite is required by DSHS per their website (view requirement here). DSHS requires that all students take the English Proficiency test prior to registering for the course.
You will not be able to register for the Administrator Course until you have passed the English proficiency test.

What are the English language proficiency requirements?
The English Proficiency test is required for all students regardless of your fluency. Students must pay the test fee, complete, and pass this test 7 business days before the start of the Administrator Course. If you do not pass the test seven business days before the first class meeting, you will not be allowed to register for the current course. No exceptions will be made.
How do I take the English language proficiency test?
All students are required to take the English Proficiency test regardless of your English fluency.
To take the test, you will need to pay the $35 testing fee by clicking [here] to register.
The instructions for the test are included in the confirmation email you will receive when you register. Practice tests are encouraged. For a copy of the emailed instructions please click [here].
You will need to come to campus to take the test at the North Seattle College Testing Center. You must have completed steps 1- 3in the instructions before you email the North Seattle College Testing Center to schedule your test. The Testing Center is open Monday – Thursday. You must arrive by 11:30 am to complete the test, including any additional attempts. There are no exceptions for late arriving test takers and no admittance will be granted after 1pm. Please allow yourself 2 hours. Each attempt will take 60 minutes. You are allowed 2 attempts.
Remember you must pass the in-person test 7 business days before registering for the Administration Course. No exceptions will be made.
Contact the testing center to book your time slot: The North Seattle College Testing Center is in the College Center (CC) building in room 2459C. For directions and a campus map click [here].
How will I know if I passed the test?
You will know prior to leaving the testing center whether you passed or failed the test.
What happens if I do not pass the test?
Consider registering for an ESL class. Click [here] for class offerings. You will not be able to re-test until the next quarter.
What happens after I pass the test?
Register for the Administration Course with the Continuing Education office. You can register in person or you can call (206)-934-3619
How do I get my course manual?
Once you have registered for the Administrator course, you can stop by the Continuing Education office at North Seattle College to pick up the course manual during normal business hours. For directions and a campus map click [here].
Adult Family Home Administrator Course Information
The Administrator Training is a 54-hour non-credit class. All training materials are provided. Each student receives a certificate upon successful completion of the course, and this certificate has no expiration date. For current AFH resident managers, this course is strongly suggested but not required by DSHS. Participants must have access to high-speed internet, a microphone, and web camera for each session.
How do I participate in the online Canvas Course?
Here are a few things you need to know about Canvas:
- To complete, pass, and receive a certificate for the Administrator Course you must attend all classes.
- The Adult Family Home Administrator Course is currently being offered online via Canvas. You will need to be proficient with a computer as one is required for this course. A cell phone will not be adequate to complete this course.
- During the course you will need to always have your camera on. If you don’t keep your camera on you will fail the course.
- You cannot miss more than 2 hours of class time. If you miss more than 2 hours of class time you will fail the course and not receive a certificate.
- Upon successful completion of the course, you will be issued a DSHS training certificate. A copy of this certificate must be kept in your AFH files.
Current Quarter Offerings:
Please note: If a class is full, you have the option to be added to a waitlist by clicking on the “Add to Wait List” button from the class description page. The waitlist does not guarantee enrollment in the class, nor does it move you to registered status in a future quarter. Being on a wait list is different from being registered for a class and there is no guarantee that a spot will open to you so please test, register, and pay for your classes. If you need more general help with the registration process click here.
For Continuing Education policies click here or for more information, please e-mail or call (206)-934-3619.