Personal Financial Planning & Home Ownership Classes

Retirement & Homeownership Classes

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Fall Quarter 2024

Overwhelmed by Retirement Planning or Navigating Home Ownership? Our Classes Can Help!

Planning for retirement is one of the most significant financial decisions you will make in your lifetime. It can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone! Our classes are designed to help you navigate the complexities with ease. Get the support you need, from expert advice to practical tools, and start planning for a secure and stress-free retirement today regardless of your age! Many of our classes also allow individuals to earn Continuing Education Units (CEU) while enhancing their skills!

Our Fall Quarter Class offerings are below. Registration is easy! Pick the class title that interests you to read more about class outcomes and to register. 

Financial Management & Retirement Planning Classes

Home Buying & Strategy Classes

The Importance of Retirement Planning   

With increasing life expectancies, ensuring financial security during retirement requires careful consideration of various factors, including retirement planning, financial management, saving strategies, mortgage options in retirement, and overall financial security.

Retirement planning is the cornerstone of ensuring financial stability in later life. It involves setting retirement goals, estimating expenses, assessing potential income sources, and devising strategies to achieve those goals. A well-thought-out retirement plan considers the age at which one wishes to retire, the lifestyle they envision, and the financial resources needed to support that lifestyle.

The primary challenge in retirement planning is balancing current needs with future goals. Saving aggressively for retirement may mean sacrificing certain lifestyle choices in the present, while underestimating future needs can lead to financial shortfalls during retirement. Our Financial Management and Retirement Planning classes are designed to meet you where you are at in your planning.

Financial Management and Saving for Retirement

Financial Planning & Home Ownership Classes

Effective financial management is critical for successful retirement planning. This includes budgeting, managing debt, and making informed investment decisions. Saving for retirement typically involves contributing to retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, or pension plans. The earlier one starts saving, the more time their investments have to grow, thanks to the power of compounding.

The key challenge here is determining the appropriate savings rate. While higher savings can accelerate retirement goals, it may also reduce disposable income available for current expenses. Conversely, saving too little can jeopardize future financial security. Our classes on Managing Your 401K and IRA to Rocking Your Retirement with real-life investment strategies are designed with this in mind.

Navigating the Complexities of Home Buying, Selling, and Reverse Mortgages

Making informed decisions about home buying, selling, and reverse mortgages requires a deep understanding of the financial landscape, and the potential tradeoffs involved. By carefully considering factors such as credit, location, budgeting, and market conditions, individuals can navigate these complex processes with confidence. For retirees, reverse mortgages offer a unique option to leverage home equity, but it’s crucial to weigh the benefits against the costs. Whether you’re entering the housing market for the first time or planning for retirement, taking a strategic approach with one of our home buying or financial management classes will help you achieve your financial goals.

Not ready to enroll in class but want to stay in touch? Sign up for our newsletter to be notified about future class offerings.

What Students Are Saying About Our Finance Classes 

The instructor was exceptionally knowledgeable. He was able to support student’s questions and the why’s. Handouts supporting the class topics were a great tool. The instructor's clever visuals, demonstration and class involvement helped us under the many layers of the complex financial language. The stuff nobody taught us in school.

-Diane on People and Money: Rock Your Retirement Class

The Instructor was clear, concise and is great about highlighting the most important information. She also gives good examples of how Medicare rules apply in common scenarios that people might not otherwise notice or understand the ramifications.

-Max on Welcome to Medicare Class

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