Landscape Painting with Oils

Explore the world you see beyond four walls through the tradition of plein-air painting. Students will learn how to prepare canvas, panel, and paper, and to set up and mix oil paint on site. You will learn a variety of painting techniques and concepts to express what you observe in the landscape, including abstracting from what you see and working from memory. We will traverse the North Seattle College campus and adjacent Licton Springs, finding inspiration in the various sites. Anticipate some walking and carrying materials in a bag or backpack.

  • Jun 27, 2024 to Aug 15, 2024
    11:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Session(s): 7; Thursday
  • Location : On Campus: TBA, ARR
    9600 College Way North,Seattle,98103

  • Fee: $160

  • Summer 2024

  • Students who take this class are invited to participate in our Summer CE Student Art Show. Visit our Art Show page for more information.

    Supplies are required for this class. Click here to download the list and other important details.

    This class will meet in front of the Campus Bookstore.

    There will be no class on 7/4.

  • Number of Sessions: 7 Arranged - Th 11:00AM - 1:00PM