There is much more to yoga than physical poses. The eight philosophical limbs of yoga, or the eightfold path, offers opportunities to develop insight, calm, and felicity. We will explore these eight limbs as explained in The Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali written approximately 1,500 years ago. Because Patanjali was a soul scientist the eight limbs are relevant to present times and the desire to know ourselves. We will view them through the lens of Yoga postures and The Tree of Yoga written by BKS Iyengar while journaling and learning simple relaxation techniques to quiet the mind.
This course is open to yoga practitioners as well as those who have never practiced yoga postures. Handouts will be provided. You will walk away with a solid understanding of the eight limbs of yoga and of the Sage Patanjali, as well as a better understanding of how yoga practice can involve these philosophical limbs. Please note this is not a yoga posture class.
- Jan 29, 2025
to Mar 26, 2025
- 7:00 pm
to 8:00 pm
- Session(s): 8;
- Fee: $120
- Item #: 30187
- There will be no class on 2/19.