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The weather here in the Pacific Northwest has begun to change! The sun is setting earlier and the tempatures have started to cool down. Soon it will be time to break out the sweaters and raincoat's for cozier weather. It's a great time to start looking at indoor activities and Continuing Education at North Seattle College has you covered! Fall quarter officially starts on Sept 25th. If you haven't signed up nows the time.
Check out these upcoming classes!
September Class Offerings
9/26 Craft & Create: Writing in Community
9/27 NaNoWriMo: Write a Novel in 30 Days
9/27 Jazz Ensemble
9/29 Acrylic Painting
9/30 Pens, Ink and Art
9/25 How to Purchase a Sewing Machine or Serger
9/26 The World of Poker
9/27 Bridge for Beginners
9/27 People and Money - Rock Your Retirement
9/30 Mindfulness Meditation for Stressful Situations
9/25 Everyday English Conversation
9/27 TOEFL Preparation
October Class Offerings
10/2 Impressionism in Art and Music
10/2 The Secrets of Powerful Writing
10/2 Learn Graphic Design Basics
10/3 Charcoal Drawing
10/3 Explore the Mysteries of Color
10/5 Guided Autobiography
10/10 Beginning Guitar 1
10/12 Free-Writing Workshop
10/16 Raised Stencil Wall Art and Painting for Beginners
10/2 The Quilted Jacket
10/12 Trauma: A Study in Humanity
10/14 Credit: Key to Achieving Home Ownership
10/16 Travel The World Volunteering
10/18 Introduction to Yoga Philosophy
10/21 Identification of Common Birds of Washington
10/21 Forest Bathing
10/28 Alter This - Alter That!
10/28 Don't Be Fooled - Critical Thinking 101
10/5 Alpine Tricky Zwiefacher Dance
10/10 Learning in Action: Introduction to the Alexander Technique
10/14 Zumba
10/18 Philosophy of Yoga Through Posture Practice
10/8 Rustic Pie Basics
10/21 The Art of Cakes
10/29 Asian Wraps and Rolls
10/5 Conversational Japanese I
10/7 Continuing French: Esprit critique
10/10 Conversational Japanese II
10/5 Intro to Audiobook Narration and Production at Home
10/5 Introduction to Public Speaking
10/9 Social Media Basics
10/10 Content Creation with Canva for Beginners
10/10 Business Writing
10/31 Create a Website for Fun, Profit and Business
November Class Offerings
11/6 Intermediate Watercoloring Fall Florals
11/6 Monoprinting Without a Press
11/13 Tataki Zome: Plant Portraits with a Hammer
11/4 Serging Made Simple
11/6 Fall Common Western Washington Birds
11/8 Building Resilience in Times of Stress
11/13 Extraordinary Birds of Washington
11/14 Geology of Mount Rainier
11/15 CSI - Myth vs. Fact
11/12 Holiday Bread Baking
11/18 Fall and Holiday Royal Icing Cookies
11/4 Starting a Legal Home-Based Food Business
11/9 Don't Throw It Away- Sell It Online
December Class Offerings
12/2 Holiday Cards in Watercolor
12/3 Candy Making: Gift Giving and Entertaining
12/9 Handmade Chocolate Confections
12/16 Family Night: Thai Cooking
Registration is easy!
The quickest way to register for classes is online via our website.
Online registration: www.learnatnorth.org
Phone registration:
206-934-3705Browse our catalog: [click here]